05. May 2015 · Comments Off on May Crowning & St. Joseph the Worker · Kategorien: Uncategorized

May 1st, 2015 found us in Church at 9AM for our May Blessed Virgin Mary crowning and Mass. Our parish school children had the privilege of crowning a small statue of Mary. The 7th grade children held lilies across the aisle as the 3rd grade children carried in the crown. It was all so beautifully done.

Our parish school is in danger of closing, so these events might be ending soon. Even though we do not send our young man to the parish school, it is nice to be able to participate in Mass occasionally with the school children. Our young man at least gets to see the school children attending Mass as a large group. Unfortunately, our normal Sunday Masses do not have many children attending. Anyway.. I digress.

May 1st was also St. Joseph the Worker. To celebrate, after Mass, our young man and I went to the pharmacy to purchase a thank you card and candy bar to give Dave at lunchtime. We’d called to see if we could meet at lunch and he could. So we found a cute card that our young man decorated and in which I wrote a nice sentiment about how hard Dave works to keep a roof over our heads. And how he is our example of St. Joseph the Worker.

All in all a wonderful day!

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