Have you noticed some of the changes that we are making? I’m sure like you time gets away from you and the next thing you know you Website is out of date! As part of our updates we are introducing two new areas to the Website and that is Catholic Homeschool Curriculum and Catholic Stock Imagery.
You know that we are Catholic homeschoolers and it can be difficult to put together a curriculum for little ones that meet your needs. You might be like us and create or use different structures for different classes and it’s nice to come across sets of coursework that is already put together. So that’s what we are doing. We are packaging up different courses and bundling it for you in one download. We are asking for a small contribution for our efforts but we know what tight budgets can be so it is not that much. Very budget friendly!
As part of the curriculum we are offering packages of historic maps. We happen to have a very large collection of maps and maps are ideal when studying history. It really makes it special when you’re studying something like World War II and actually looking at a map that was produced during World War II. It really gives a different perspective. We are starting with sets of maps from different times and eras for download and will be adding the curriculum packages as we develop them.
The other new area I mentioned was the Catholic Stock Imagery. There are so many stock photo places but very few that focus on all things Catholic. As we visit Catholic shrines and places, we’ve taken hundreds, if not thousands of pictures and we’ll be making those available for anyone at a very reasonable cost for royalty-free publication.
We’ll be working on expanding these different areas but I wanted you to know that we are renewing our efforts to create new content for the site.