01. April 2013 · Comments Off on Book: The Easter Cave · Categories: Uncategorized

Our little Monkey (age 3) received a copy of The Easter Cave by Carol Wedeven for Easter.

The book has pretty, simple illustrations that beautifully bring direct attention to the prose.  I thought it was a lovely book.

Monkey, however, didn’t go for it real well.  To be honest, a book needs a car, construction equipment, farm equipment or machinery for him to be truly involved in the book.  He hops off my lap faster than a cheetah can run when I bring a book of a religious nature before him.  He’ll listen to the story, but he wants to be otherwise occupied.  So let’s not use my little guy to gauge the wonder of a really beautiful book.

This is a great one for everyone’s Easter book list!

01. April 2013 · Comments Off on Welcome Easter! · Categories: Uncategorized

Alleluia!  Happy Easter!

We had a lovely Easter.  We attended the 8AM Mass and headed immediately thereafter to New York CIty.  We vwere able to celebrate Easter with all of my husband’s New England family members in his brother’s new apartment. All the kids had such a fun time and it was really a wonderful day.

On Holy Saturday afternoon, we all decorated a few eggs.  We just used some food coloring a white crayon to write a few “hidden” messages.  I dyed an egg blue and got a lovely surprise from my husband, “Daddy Loves Mommy!”

Drying Easter eggs

Drying Easter eggs


Hope everyone is having a blessed Easter Monday!